Are you concerned about the security of data transmissions in which your web server participates day in and day out? Passwords, user names, credit card numbers, and other sensitive private communications on the Internet can easily be compromised unless you actively take precautionary measures and preempt the most common exploits by means of modern cryptography. Your users trust that you will protect them. The only question is: how do you measure success?
How do you measure success? By not having been hacked (yet)? Obviously, that’s a rather unreliable yardstick. (Only time will tell what the margin of error really was, but that’s not how you want to find out!)
After countless nights spent reading up on cryptography, meditating over encryption keys, and pondering config files, anyone deserves a break.

Assuming that you’ve had had enough of this kind of heavy lifting, why don’t you take Qualys’ SSL Server Test for a spin.
Qualys’ SSL Server Test is a web service (currently free of charge) which performs a deep analysis of the configuration of a web server. It includes much-coveted support for HTTP/2, the newest version of TLS, and a variety of cipher suites, in addition to more established (and legacy) standards.
Qualys’ SSL Server Test is thorough, so give it some time. Enter your server’s web address, relax, have some coffee… you can always fetch the results later ( After some long-winded numbers crunching, it will display useful insights, eventually, and do so in an easily understandable report with plenty of documentation to get you started on any corrections that may be necessary.
If you are running NGINX, here is how to Activate HTTP/2 with TLS Encryption in NGINX for Secure Connections without a Performance Penalty.
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