When running your own mail server you have complete control over its performance and reliability. Here is how to get started with an open-source mail server on AWS EC2.

Cyber security, infotech
When running your own mail server you have complete control over its performance and reliability. Here is how to get started with an open-source mail server on AWS EC2.
In order to figure out how many days your letsencrypt certificates have left, you could check an online services such as:
However, that won’t work for a mail server that’s not also running a web server using the same certificate.
In this case, your best bet is to check the certificate file directly using the openssl command as follows:
openssl x509 -noout -dates -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/smtp.yourmailserverdomainname.com/cert.pem
When the server can’t write to the session data directory, if will use /var/cache/nginx/fastcgi_temp/ and complain in the error log. You don’t want any of these errors, but a setting considered insecure will not even be reported as such. Here is how to bolster your PHP 7 session security with NGINX and php-fpm.
“You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I’ll tell you what: No computer is safe (…) I don’t care what they say.”
President-Elect Donald Trump
In the waning days of the fading Obama presidency, plenty of questions surfaced about Russia’s involvement with the hacks of the DNC and election systems. Electronic evidence can be easily manipulated.
There is more to it than just electronic evidence.
When using authentication based on keys (as opposed to a password), you have to create the key pair—a private key and a public key—on your local machine, then transfer the public key to the server and install it there. Here is how to do this on a Windows desktop for remote access to a Linux server.
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